English Lessons
“I've lived here for nearly 15 years, off and on.”
You moved to the U.S. after you graduated college, and you've mostly lived there since then. But you also spent a few years living in other places. Someone asks you how long you've been in the U.S., and this is your answer.
“I've been known to have 5 or 6 cups in a day.”
You told your friend that you were trying to cut down on caffeine, so you started talking about how much coffee you drink. Sometimes you drink 5-6 cups of coffee in one day. You say this to your friend.
“It's about time!”
There was a broken light on the first floor of your apartment building that hadn't been fixed for two weeks. A neighbor tells you that it's been fixed. You say this because you're happy that it's finally being taken care of.
“I'll just be glad when it's over.”
You have an important presentation for school that's due this week. You don't like speaking in front of groups, so you've been stressed out about it. A friend asks you if you're ready for it. You say this in response to their question.
“I've had this presentation looming over me for weeks now.”
You have an important presentation for school that's due this week. You've been thinking and worrying about the presentation for three weeks. You say this while talking to your boyfriend about the pending presentation.
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