English Lessons


You asked your coworker to cover your shift at your part-time job, and he agreed. You say this because you're really grateful.


Your coworker asked you to cover his shift on Saturday at your part-time job. You don't want to work on Saturday, but you agreed. Your coworker is happy, but you want to remind him that you might ask him to do the same thing one day, so you say this.


You're making a short film. You placed an ad for an actor on a website, and got a lot of responses. Now you need to go through the them, but that's going to take a long time. You want to get rid of some of them quickly. You give this task to your ...


You have a part-time job at a restaurant. You want to go to the beach with your friends on Saturday, but you're supposed to work on Saturday. You have to ask a coworker who's off on Saturday to switch with you. You ask this.


You're making a short film. You needed an actor, so you placed an ad calling for actors on a website. A lot of people responded. You say this when telling your assistant director about it.