English Lessons


You cooked some meat for dinner, and your wife told you to make sure that it is completely cooked in the middle. You say this because you think it is fully cooked.


Your friend has asked you whether you are satisfied with your job. There are some parts of your job that you don't like, but you say this because you like most of it.


You went to a party and were talking to an acquaintance (Sarah). Someone that she knew said hello and started talking to her. Now it's after the party, and you say this while telling your boyfriend about the situation.


You're having a bad day at work, and it's making you feel like you want to do something different. You go out to lunch with a co-worker, and you want to know if he enjoys his job. You ask this.


You're frustrated with your job. You feel like it's stressful, and you're only doing it to make money, not to help other people. You're talking to your friend about it. This is how explain what kind of job you want to have.