English Lessons
“So Claire, what do you do?”
You're talking to someone you just met at a party. You want to know what kind of job she has, so you ask this.
“Actually, I'm looking to switch careers.”
You are talking with someone you just met at a party. You're talking about your career. You've told her about your current job, but you want to get a totally different job. You tell her this.
“Well, currently I'm an accountant at a commercial real estate company.”
You were talking to someone at a party, and she asked you what you do. You don't think that the job you have right now is very interesting, so you say this.
“I'll go pick up all the stuff we need.”
You are working on a school project with a group of other students. You need to buy some supplies for the project. You say this offering to go out to get them.
“Meanwhile, can you guys decide on the theme?”
You're working on a school project with a group of other students. You are going out to pick up some supplies. You want the other group members to work on something while you are gone. You say this after you offer to go to buy the supplies.
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