English Lessons
“I'm trying to break my Facebook addiction, so I haven't been on in a while.”
A friend asks you if you've seen a funny photo that a friend posted on Facebook. You used to use Facebook too much, so you've stopped using it. You haven't looked at it in 10 days, so you say this.
“Starbucks announced that they're going to offer free Internet access at all their locations.”
You're reading a news story that says that Starbucks Coffee stores will allow all their customers to use wireless Internet for free. While you're reading the story, you share the news with your husband. After getting his attention, you say this.
“I got mixed up and called my landlord by mistake.”
Earlier today, you meant to call one person, but you called someone else instead. Now you're telling your friend about it. You say this while telling your friend about the error.
“I keep making the same mistake over and over.”
You're practicing the guitar. You're trying to play a song while your friend listens, but every time you play it you get one particular part of it wrong. You say this about your mistake.
“Oh, hey Debbie. Sorry, I meant to call someone else.”
You wanted to call your friend, but instead you call your landlord's phone number by mistake. You know your landlord pretty well. When she answers the phone, you say this.
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