English Lessons

English Lesson: She's always striking up conversations with total strangers.

Your mother is very outgoing and talkative. You're describing her to a friend. You give an example of her outgoing behavior.

English Lesson: The thing about zombies is that they're not fast or resourceful, but they're absolutely relentless.

You're a fan of monster movies. You and a friend are discussing what kind of imaginary monster would be the most dangerous. You explain why zombies are quite dangerous.

English Lesson: Please disregard my last message. It was mistakenly sent to the wrong group.

You wrote an email for work and sent it to an email group. After you sent it, you realize that you sent it to the wrong group. You send another message to the same group, which says this.

English Lesson: I'm a little worried about what would happen if we were to have an earthquake.

In your apartment, you have a tall bookshelf set up near your bed with some heavy boxes on top of it. Earthquakes aren't common in your area, but you're worried that the boxes would fall and hurt you if one happened. You communicate this fear to y...

English Lesson: I don't know exactly how much it'll be. I'll call the office and have them crunch the numbers.

You're replacing the roof of a home. You found that there was some damage to the roof, so you have to replace the wood. You're telling the homeowner about this, but you don't know how much it will cost.