English Lessons

English Lesson: I guess it requires some assembly.

You bought an office chair online. You thought that it would be sent to you completely built, but instead you were just sent a bunch of parts that you have to put together. You say this to yourself.

English Lesson: Landscape architecture is an extremely competitive field.

You're a university student, and your major is landscape architecture. You're trying to get a summer internship. You say this, explaining to a friend with another major why it's important to get this internship.

English Lesson: You look like you're about to nod off.

You're riding home from a concert with a friend. She looks really sleepy. You say this.

English Lesson: What if we rented a moving van instead of hiring someone?

You and your family are planning to move to another city in 2 months. You haven't fully planned how you're going to move all your stuff yet, but you have an idea. While you're having dinner with your wife, you brought up the topic of the move. Now...

English Lesson: What are you doing up at this hour?

You wake up in the middle of the night because you hear some noises. You go to see what the noise is, and find your daughter awake in the kitchen and making a snack. You ask this because you want to know why she's awake now.