English Lessons

English Lesson: What's the deal with this soup?

You come home and your wife is watching TV. You see that there's a pot of cold soup on the stove, but you don't know whether it's good to eat or whether it needs to be thrown out. You ask this to find out.

English Lesson: Some creepy guy was hitting on me.

You're at a dance club with your friend. She left to go to the bathroom, and while she was gone a guy started talking to you and asked you out on a date. You didn't like him. Now you're telling your friend about it.

English Lesson: I'm sure we can come to an agreement.

A villain on a TV show wants to make the hero do something, so he has kidnapped the hero's girlfriend. The villain threatens the hero by saying this.

English Lesson: Has anyone gone over our policy on sick days?

You're a manager at a bank. There's a new teller who just started today. You're explaining company policies to her. You ask if she knows what to do when she gets sick.

English Lesson: He's got those big, broad shoulders.

You're talking with a group of girlfriends about guys on TV shows that you think are really attractive. You're describing a guy that you like who's really strong and manly-looking. You say: