English Lessons

English Lesson: I want to switch to a new carrier, but I have 6 more months on my contract.

You have mobile phone service with a certain company, but you are not happy with it. You want to change to a different company, but you can't because you signed a contract with the current company that hasn't finished yet. You are talking about yo...

English Lesson: Let me know if that works.

You've chosen a week when you'd like to take a vacation. You're sending an email to your boss to request those days off. Near the end of the message, you ask for permission in a confident way.

English Lesson: They've hinted that they may be introducing a new tablet computer.

You have heard some information that makes you think that Sony is going to start selling a tablet computer. The information came from things that the company said and wrote, but they haven't officially said that they will do this. You think that t...

English Lesson: I wish I didn't have that stray hair sticking out.

You're looking at vacation photos with your husband. There's one photo which has a beautiful background, but there's a problem with your hair. You complain about it.

English Lesson: Is this seat taken?

You're in a coffee shop. You're looking for somewhere to sit, but there aren't many empty tables. You see a chair with no one sitting in it, but there's someone sitting next to it. This is how you ask the person if it's OK to take the chair.