English Lessons

English Lesson: These ATM fees have gotten to be ridiculous!

You're out with your sister. You need some cash, but you can't find a branch of your own bank nearby. So you go to another bank's ATM. A message says that there will be a $3 charge for using the ATM. You say this because you're annoyed that it's s...

English Lesson: She'd never even held a gun before, much less shot one.

You went hunting with your girlfriend. It was her first experience with hunting. Now you're telling some of your friends the story of your trip, and you describe your girlfriend's lack of experience.

English Lesson: He went on for like twenty minutes about how his neighbor is putting in a swimming pool.

Your boss likes to talk a lot. Today you wanted to leave and go home, but your boss came to chat with you about things that weren't related to work. Now you're telling your girlfriend about this. You say this.

English Lesson: Did I catch you at an OK time?

You're a salesperson. You're calling a client to try to pitch them on a new product that you're selling. You check to make sure that the client isn't too busy when you call.

English Lesson: That's as low as I'm willing to go.

You're trying to sell your motorcycle. You're negotiating with someone who might buy it. You've offered to sell it to them for $7,500, but they're asking for a lower price. You don't want to sell it for less than that amount, so you say this.