English Lessons
“Ooh, my leg's asleep.”
You've been watching a movie while laying on your sofa in a strange position. Now your leg feels strange and it's hard to move it. You say this to your girlfriend.
“I have bags under my eyes, don't I?”
You didn't sleep very much last night. Today you think that you look tired. You ask your friend to find out how bad you really look.
“What are you meowing about?”
Your cat is making noises. You're wondering why. You ask her this.
“Nelly, can you maybe shed a little light on this?”
You're in a meeting at work. You're leading a discussion about a project which isn't going well. You don't know what's wrong with the project, so you want to ask one of the people who's working on it.
“We ask that all electronic devices be turned off and stowed at this time.”
You're on an airplane that's getting ready to take off. A flight attendant is making announcements. She says this, so you have to turn off your mobile phone.
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