English Lessons

English Lesson: That's not my problem.

You're a teacher. One of your students didn't finish his assignment on time. He says that it's because he's in the band and had to practice too much. You don't think that's a good excuse, so this is what you tell him.

English Lesson: The good thing about it is it doesn't need to be watered that often.

You bought your girlfriend a potted cactus for her office. You're explaining why you thought it was a good idea for a gift.

English Lesson: Hold on, hold on. Start at the beginning.

The child that you babysit had some kind of accident. He's upset and crying. He's trying to tell you about the accident, but it doesn't make sense. You tell him to start telling the story again in order.

English Lesson: We do not talk about bodily functions at the dinner table!

Your daughter says something about farting while your family was eating dinner together. This is rude, so you warn her that she shouldn't say that.

English Lesson: We use only the finest ingredients.

You're watching a commercial for a frozen pizza. The announcer on the commercial says this.