English Lessons
“Pull up a little closer.”
You're riding in the back seat of your friend's car. Your friend has stopped at an ATM machine so you can get some cash. The machine is too far away from the car, so you ask him to move the car closer to it.
“He's always jetting off to exotic locations in far-off corners of the world.”
You have a cousin who's a famous photographer. He has a really glamorous job and travels a lot. You're telling a friend about him.
“I just caught the tail end of it.”
Your favorite soccer team played yesterday. You weren't able to watch most of the game, but saw the last few minutes. Now a coworker is asking you if you saw it. This is your answer.
“Look, they're in season now.”
You bought some strawberries in the spring. They look really good. Now you're taking them out of the grocery bag, and you show them to your daughter.
“It's more or less done.”
You've been working on a cabinet that you're building yourself. Someone asks how it's coming along. You want to tell them that you're 90% finished with it.
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